In europe low molecular weight Phthalates are subject to restrictions by EU Legislation. low molecular weight phthalates are classified as "Substances of Very High Concern" (SVHC)

Manufacturer or importer must provide information to the recipient. As a minimum, recipients – meaning anyone in the supply chain from distributors and retailers to professional end-users - need to be told that the article contains one or more of the substances. Further down the supply chain, retailers also have an obligation to provide the same information to consumers, but only if a consumer requests it. A retailer has 45 days to provide the information.
The basic purpose of these test, it seems... is to verify the ability of Solvin resins to work with these new "bio-based plasticisers" The surprising fact is that "Jayant Agro organics also has submitted 100% castor based plasticiser "Di-Caprylsebacate" DOS/DCS. I have extracted only 15 slides.. the original document was 31 slide document (link to original document)
here are the slides which I though could summarize the whole thing

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(REACH) Registration, Evaluation, and Authorisation of CHemicals (Info link)
REACH Timelines for plasticiser (link)
Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for authorization (Link)
Biotor promoters seem to be having a good lunch.. though the company will be in doldrums (Link)
Conclusions: I really dont know what benefit Jayant gets since DCS/DOS is widely produced in China (as per my google searches.. ) yes these EU guidelines will increase the demand for DCS and other bio-based plasticisers. Jayant is somewhat uniquely placed as India is the largest producer of Castor in the world.
BIOTOR seems to have one controversy or another. Their 2000 crore SEZ project is also shelved.
My worry is; has Jayant ensured supply-chain of castor seeds from farmers. The entire success of Castor and its derivatives comes from ensuring supply side of castor seed.
Jayant Agro Organics has subsidiaries: Ihsedu Agro-Chem Private Limited.
Ihsedu Agro-Chem Private Limited is located in Banaskantha which is one of the largest castor growing districts in Gujarat. Gujarat produces 71% , Rajasthan 16% of India's total castor seed production.
Ihsedu Agro Chem was made by buying Gujarat Govt Castor seed crushing plant in Banaskantha
here is a link to an old blog report about the same:
There are other developments which I donot have info right now but jayant has backward integration by doing corporate farming
=happy investing
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